Friday, January 04, 2008

The Jr. team is doomed, I tell you, doomed!

Last night, the Junior section of my cycling team had a pizza dinner/parent's meeting. Last season was a rough one, the couple who has been the heart and soul of the junior team got overwhelmed by the responsibilities. Since the guy is a total cycling geek, he's stayed on trying to coach. But the gal has pulled herself out of the team to spend more time with career and kid, I think. The problem is that he was the cycling coach but she was the Momma Bear. She organized everything, got deals on registering the whole team at once, made sure everyone had a ride, etc. So the team has just been running on inertia since then, doing what they always have done, just showing up and waiting for stuff to happen. Being a new year, the pres called everyone together to get some level of organization. In the process they named me as Race Director. I pointed out that I had never finished a race better than last. I pointed out that at my first race, I got beat by a girl. A girl who mentioned that she had just finished her last Chemo four months prior. I took the position. Those kids are doomed.

Oh, and Joseph got a very nice trophy, the only award given, for being the most improved rider. The pres and VP had very nice things to say about him, and even though I'm his Dad, I know they weren't just blowing smoke up his backside. You can see it in the way that he finishes, the way he goes past the point where he used to quit, in his results, and more importantly, how he gets treated by his competition. They respect him now when before they just ignored him. Little brother Jacob spent the rest of the night playing with the trophy while making space battle sounds. Those are my boys.

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